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US woman reveals 3 reasons why she shifted to India in new video

An American woman living in Delhi for the past two years shared her take on the age-old debate on whether life in the US is truly better than that in India. Spoiler alert: She believes India wins, hands down.
Kristen Fischer revealed three reasons why she shifted to Delhi, where she has been living with her family since 2022 and seems to have no regrets.
According to Fischer, India, as compared to US, offers personal growth, meaningful connections, and memorable experiences – the three qualities she values more than just a bigger pay cheque.
In a video shared on Instagram, Fischer addressed a question she’s apparently asked all the time — “Why in the world would I leave America for India?” She didn’t hesitate to set the record straight.
While people assume US is the land of opportunity, Fischer made it clear that the quality of life she and her children have in India is far superior.
“I think my kids are being set up for a more successful life and future in India,” she said, emphasising on the rich experiences and close-knit community they’ve found here — something she feels they would never have had in the US.
For those laser-focused on financial gain, she acknowledged that the US might be a better fit. But for Fischer, it was totally different.
In her video, she said, “America is a very individualistic society. Very socially isolated. Every man for themselves kind of mentality and people are hardly willing to go out of their way to help people that they don’t know.”
“India, on the other hand, is full of life and colours, culture and community, and an overall sense of togetherness. People are so hospitable, and they go out of their way to help people, no matter what.”
“In India, you are never alone. Anywhere you go, there are tons of people. I have met so many Indians living in America who have said where is everybody? Where are all the people? And they have felt very socially isolated and alone living in America.”
Watch the video here:
Of course, this stance triggered a discussion online. Several users wholeheartedly agreed. “India feels like a home,” a user said, while another added, “No other country feels like home the way India does.”
“Making money in the US is also not easy. The cost of living in the US is too high. Purchasing power in India is far better than in the US and people in India with different socio-economic backgrounds live cohesively,” a user said.
Another user said, “America is not heaven. It has problems just like everywhere else.”
A Tibetan-born Dutch user chimed in with an interesting perspective. “When I was in India, my life was way better regarding my mind and health. You never feel alone,” they wrote, even hinting at a possible move back to India next year.
Fischer’s videos often showcase her witty take on the cultural differences between the two countries as she provides a humorous yet insightful glimpse into her new life in India. Her content has struck a chord with several viewers, especially those who’ve experienced both worlds and understand the charm that India brings.
Indeed, Kristen Fischer reminded us that life isn’t just about where you live, it’s about how you live.
